Saturday, July 11, 2009

A hidden side of me

Today I was chatting with some friends of mine. Shae Tiann and Good Coffee to be exact. GC started talking about some event that had happened and happened to post a link to a killboard. Normally I skim them and then go on, noting if it was suitably awesome. The link itself is insignificant by itself... But what stuck out to me and pointed out by GC was a link to a ventrilo recording of the victim's.

It's unnoteworthy until about 1/3 of the way through. Catching you up to speed on this... apparently a very large group of carebears were mining with their exhumers and such in a tightly clustered group. In hindsight, that definantly is a bad idea and inviting trouble no matter where you are.

Well apparently someone saw that exact thought I had... bad idea for them... hilarity to ensue. The pilot grabbed an Armageddon, presumely unfitted besides high slot, and loaded it with nothing but large smartbombs. He flew right into the middle of the group and hit F1-F8.

Yes. He was that epic. Listen to them on their ventrilo... and the chaos that followed.

Pilot, as a side note, I salute you with every fibre of pirate I have in me.

But besides this being hilarious I felt something in me stir. As of late I've been sitting in Poinen just mission running away to take care of some security status problems and to join some friends of mine... I didn't realize I was getting this bored with the game.

Hearing this ventrilo and seeing the killmails on this got me thinking... what would it take to get this setup? About 70 million isk and a whole lot of booze.

I think Shae, my conscience angel that's a bit bipolar and without a counterpart, stated it best.

Shae Tiann > awww why suppress it?
Shae Tiann > BURN! KILL! ENJOY!
Shae Tiann > and lol at the smack

I think Shae would make a good Khorne Berserker.

And she's right. This is a game... a freaking game. Why take things seriously? Have fun and be evil if you want to be.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. It's utterly hilarious (sad, yes, but incredibly funny) when people come back with the line that since you play an evil character in the game, you must be a bad person in Real Life. Eve is like Munchkin (Kill the monsters! Steal the treasure! Stab your buddy!), on steroids and in space. And most of all: does the designation mmoRPG mean anything? You may not be in charater all the time, but you do play a role; if that role beats up the smaller kids and takes their lunch money, there must be a reason you don't get the GM ban-hammer for it... oh yeah! Cuz the guys who developed Eve were the ones who were trapping people between pieces of furniture in Ultima Online. Hehehe.
